

I am sitting here in my studio contemplating what to write this week. When I look around I see all of the things that I’m surrounded by. Things of my childhood, my wife’s childhood, our kids childhood. And things of my life together with my wife. Things from my photography and the business. And all of that, to me, comes under the definition of growth. We grow up, we do things in life, we have successes and failures. We get older, wiser, and grow. And then we get old.

Everything that has happened in my life, as it happens in all our lives, is growth from an external force or an internal desire to be or do something good. To mean something, to matter. We all strive to grow up, make it through high school, get through college (if that’s what you want to do), find a career that we are passionate about. Live life, have a love, find some success, and have some growth.

But as I’m looking around, I see what I have given my children so far. Knowledge I’ve passed along, skills I’ve taught them, love we share as a parent, and things we’ve done together as a family to make memories. I’m thinking about all of this because our youngest is sitting ten feet away from me playing Fortnite, growing up before my eyes and being the last one to leave the nest (five years away!). Just last weekend we sent our middle daughter off to college on the opposite side of the state to study culinary. And just this morning, I spoke to our oldest son who’s stationed in Detroit with our US Coast Guard. It seems to me that everyone is right where they need to be. Right?

Is that because of of me? Or my wife? Or is it the choices our children make on their own? Ultimately I think its their choice to do what they like. What they want out of life. Or what they need to do because of their passions. I would like to think that it’s because of our influence, our guidance, into what’s right and wrong, that has allowed them to make solid decisions about their lives. T make good decisions and healthy choices for making them into a better, more whole, individual. To do good things in this world, in their lifetimes. To leave it better than we left it for them. And so on.

So as they move on, grow up ,and start out on their own to leave their footprint on the planet. I look to continue on and grow personally, spiritually, professionally. To get better as a photographer. To continue to help my kids grow themselves and develop into good people. And continue to have a solid relationship with my wife—my partner—my best friend.

But—-right now I have my youngest talking to me about gaming, and computers, and Fortnite. I believe its time to spend some quality time and have some more growing moments and be the cool Dad today!


2021 so far…


Film and Digital Photography Coexist